UMGG Sending Team To Nationals!

The Upper Midwest Golden Gloves will be sending a team to Nationals after all. Region 1 director Lisa Bauch confirmed the outstanding news with us earlier this afternoon. Despite a lot of questions and technicalities that needed to get ironed out after last weeks regional tournament finals cancellation, the UMGG board made sure a team would be able to compete next month.

It was announced last Friday that the Upper Midwest Golden Gloves championships were cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances which we speculated were due to competitors being forced out due to Covid (this is unconfirmed). As of last week, there would not be a team headed to Nationals which take place on August 9th-14th of 2021 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Boxers now headed to Nationals representing the Upper Midwest include…

Females Alissa Bolz at 125 lbs. and Luna Snow in the 141 lbs. division.

Males include Zero Snyder (125 lbs.), Kevin Ramos (138 lbs.), Isaiah Abalan (152 lbs.), Daveon Olive (165 lbs.) and Dillon Bercier (200 lbs.).
Robert Copeland will box Antonio Varney this Saturday at the Silver Gloves tournament in Bemidji to determine Minnesota’s 178 lbs. champion.

The UMGG’s head coach will be Brian “Ludy” Webster with additional coaches Charlie Schumacher and Donnie Penlton rounding out team Upper Midwest.

Draw and bracketing for Nationals will take place on Sunday, August 8th with the action kicking off the following Monday and going through Saturday, August 14th at the Cox Business Center. There will be one session each night beginning at 6 PM sharp. Stay tuned for live stream info.

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